Dr. Serene Lim, Ph.D

Creating Your Future

My intent is to set you in an academic direction that best meets your goals and needs.  Why go around in circles when you can get there in a more direct route -- and in the shortest time possible?

Which Best Describes You?


Costs aside, you want only the very best for your child. Begin the process early, and let me demystify and advise on the best combination of learning and exams that could save both time --- and money. Interested in dual degree or Ph.D? Let's talk!


To make an informed decision that impacts your future, lists and rankings are just a starting point. I help to identify, clarify, articulate -- and balance -- your needs, wants, and expectations of universities, programs and your future.

Law School

Getting you to -- and through -- Law SchooI successfully. ABA or non-ABA? In your neck of woods, or across the pond? Full-time, part-time, or distance learning? I consult on applications. And I teach JD, LLB and LLM.


Should you, or shouldn't you? I evaluate your preferred options and career goals, perhaps subtly nudging you towards programs or subfields you had not considered. I also keep you on track to ensure on-time completion.

I Specialize in

International & Expatriate Applicants

IB Curriculum & Cambridge A-Levels

Music & the Performing Arts

Law Schools

Doctoral Programs

Ivy League & Public Ivies in the USA

Russell Group in the UK

Top 100 Universities in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America

With You Every Step Of The Way

Getting Into University
High School / Secondary School

As a 'Third-Culture' child, he was educated in three different school systems in five countries.  I set out to accentuate the strengths and benefits of his diverse curriculum, advising him to take certain advanced-level exams.  He was accepted into his first-choice university, receiving credits equivalent to 1.5 years. 

In University

When in-person classes transitioned into hybrid, then fully online, Cassandra started to lose interest in her studies and wanted to drop out.  We discovered the real issue: she needed greater challenge and a more application-based program.  She applied to a 3+2 engineering program, and is interning at a local firm.

Law School
Surviving Law School

She thought getting in to Law School was the most difficult thing she had ever done.  She had never failed at anything.  Until she did Criminology, and EU Law -- twice in a row.  She cried when I red-penned and tore apart her answers.  Results matter: She scored a First in Criminology, and a Second Upper in EU.  Well done!   

Master's & Doctoral
To Grad School, or Not?

As a political science undergraduate, he enjoyed philosophy so much he was overjoyed to gain admission to a decent moral philosophy Ph.D program.  For over two years, he struggled to complete his doctoral dissertation.  Should he quit?  Absolutely not!  I mapped out a 6-month Get Done! Plan.  Now he's done!

The Choice Is Yours

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